Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Vaping Awareness

Dear SMS Families,

Once again we are reaching out in order to raise awareness and strengthen our community’s prevention efforts pertaining to the concerning matter of adolescent “vaping” or “juuling” (using e-cigarettes).

We thought it would be helpful if you had information about vaping and juuling so that you can be better prepared to discuss the issue with your child, and intervene when necessary.   
• Electronic cigarettes/vape pens/juul vaporizers/vaping bracelets allow the user to inhale, or vape, a mist, which usually contains nicotine or THC/cannabidiol (the active ingredient in marijuana). The process is smoke-free, with little to no odor; only a slight mist is exhaled. As a result, it can be very hard to detect. These pens/vaporizers are marketed as “stealth” devices.

• Unfortunately, these devices are being promoted as a healthy alternative to smoking. Although some harmful chemicals found in traditional cigarettes have been removed, these devices still deliver the addictive and/or habit-forming chemicals that are found in tobacco products and marijuana.

• A vaping device looks very much like a pen or a bracelet, and a juul vaporizer looks like a USB device. Because we utilize Google Drive, please keep in mind that there is no need for a USB at Swampscott Middle School. 

Vaping/juuling is a serious and pressing concern for adolescents, not only in Swampscott but throughout the country as a whole.  These devices deliver highly addictive chemicals and often serve as an initial introduction to substance use.
Thank you very much for your vigilance and commitment to our adolescents’ safety and well-being. If we all work together, we can effectively address this significant health concern.  

Should you have any questions or concerns related to this issue, please feel free to contact our school's guidance counselors, Mr. Randall, and Ms. Waffle or the administration, Mr. Calichman or Ms. Sanborn.

Vaping Awareness

Dear SMS Families, Once again we are reaching out in order to raise awareness and strengthen our community’s prevention efforts pertain...